This firmware upgrade chip will provide access to the latest performance features introduced in the malletKAT 8, and contain 128 pre-set User Kits that will be retained when the instrument is reinitialized.
V3.6 - (software) Dampen Type 1 & 2, MSB/LSB Bank Changes, Improved Mono Mode
V4.1 - (software) Additional Foot Controller Functions, Velocity Shift Mode, RTC - Real Time Controller Performance Mode, Loop Latch Performance Mode, Reassignment Loop Mode and Advancements, Auto Melody Chord Mode, Warp Mode
V5.0 - (software) Velocity Shift Mode, Alternate Note Mode, Virtual Control Wheel, Controller Value Preset, Augmented Rhythms for Metronome
V6.1 - (software) Dead Stroking, Group Latch, MIDI Note Footswitch, Bank Changes Updates LSB/MSB , MIDI Notes to program Change, New User Kits, Redesigned Metronome
V7.0 – (software) Power to warp mode, More program changes per kit, Reassignment mode now can be assigned to either controller
V8.0 - (software) More Controller Control, Improved Dampening, Global Function Preset Changes, KIT 128 is now Preassigned for Controller Use for the Outside World
V8.5 - (software) Now Allows 4 Controller Settings Per Kit, Does Not Return Controllers to Zero When Leaving the Kit
PLEASE NOTE: Due to changes in circuit boards over the years, we will need your instrument serial number, current software and whether or not there is a (+) or (-) on the start up screen . Please include the malletKAT serial number in the COMMENTS section when completing your order.